Is it a new trend Maximalism 2018

Written by Jordan Ellen Wood


Goodbye Minimalism and say hello to Maximalism. 2018 has started off by us leaving our old habits of being comfortably dressed in the past and got us now doing the complete opposite. But fashion is unexpected and as we know, trends are never predictable. We have already seen every boundary been pushed in the sense of minimalism in 2017 by mixing up texture, color and silhouettes. Having a sneak preview last year made us realise WE WANT IT BACK, so mixing and matching the complete opposites will create that fun and diverse look we crave to have.

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Taking a look at Moschino's SS18 ready-to-wear collection, they proved to us that mixing different textures can work. However, despite us soon approaching spring some collections can lack in colour. But when they lack in colour, they make up for with intricate and eccentric textures that we didn’t even think could go well together.

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Putting an outfit together, can always seem like a chore as there are all these different “rules” and “do nots” in fashion. And since when did choosing an outfit have to be such a pain? It use to be fun and experimental, as that was what created our own styles. But when it comes to combining a dress with a jacket, trousers with a shirt or a skirt with a jumper, is the lining in what fabric goes with what? There are different ways to approach mixing and matching textures. Much of it comes down to knowing which colors and textures will stand out when mixed together — going for bold coloured jackets in crimson or metallic silver, then pairing with leather can be a chic take on this trend.

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What is it about the maximalism trend that we should catch on to? You won’t see anyone else in the same outfit as you. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing.. The thought of walking into someone with the same outfit as you can feel cringey, but with maximalism it is all about going over the top with the variety of different textures. Do you feel the same as me? That every time you open Instagram, you are likely to come across an all-white or all-black outfit? Whether it is the fashion industry or social media to blame, I am ready for a change. Despite the different ways to make minimalism not “boring”, we should force ourselves to update our wardrobe.

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For all things fake fur, fringe, leather, painted and textured, don’t be afraid to mix it all together.



Written by Jordan Ellen Wood | @jordy_ellen